【同义词辨析】 2020-09-08 和谐harmony-concord
harmony: implies a beautiful effect achieved by the agreeable interrelation, blending, or arrangement of parts in a complex whole: a resort in splendid ~ with its natural setting. (如live in harmony with environment同自然环境和谐相处,如we live together in perfect harmony我们和睦地一同生活,social/racial harmony社会/种族和睦,如the Harmony OS鸿蒙操作系统;还表示和声,如to sing in harmony用和声唱,to study four-part harmony学习四部和声,口琴是harmonica)
consonance: implies the fact or means by which harmony is achieved through coincidence or concurrence: immediate ~ of action and custom. (如musical/policy consonance音乐和谐/政策一致,如I found their work very much consonant with this way of thinking我发现他们的工作与这种思维方式非常一致,consonant还表示辅音,是停止吐气时发出的短促声音) 词根SON表示sound
accord: may imply personal agreement or goodwill or the absence of friction or ill will: parents and teachers are in ~ on this issue. (如such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology这种方法与社会主义意识形态的原则相符(一致),如this military action, taken in accord with United Nations resolutions依据联合国决议而采取的军事行动)
concord: adds to accord implications of peace and amity: a planned utopian community in which all would live in ~. amity来自词根AM=to love,这里表示友好友爱
harmony和谐: 指复杂事物的各部分被优美地关联混合布局,consonance和谐: 表示因为一致,accord一致: 表示思想上的一致,concord和谐: 比accord增加了和平友好的意思
记忆方法: 1)首字母HCAC想成HXA和谐阿(把2个C写成"背对背"恰好是X)<==和谐 "和"本义指"声音相应",也就是声音和谐,最早是"龢",秦汉时已简化成现在的写法。古字中,左边是"龠",字形像一排竹管合拼而成的乐器,是笙和箫之类的吹奏乐器,右边的"禾"可能和材料或读音有关。声音调和、和谐,就显得悦耳动听,引申出"平和温和柔和"的意思,比如把结束战争称为"和平和好",把关系融洽称为"和睦和气",进而表示共同一起,如加法的结果成为"和"。 "谐"从言皆声,本义也是指"声音的协调","皆"表示"全,都",言表示和声音语言有关,如和谐谐音诙谐。"协"和谐是一对,一个作动词一个作形容词。
2)和谐的意思是共处时没有冲突mean the state resulting when different things come together without clashing or disagreement.